This is the repository that houses bradachristie.info. Though simple, it's used as both a front-facing website about me and a showcase of the various technologies I have experience with. For example, the page you're currently viewing demonstrates that I use version control. And although I prefer git/GitHub, I have also worked with Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Subversion (SVN).
Technology Showcase
To date, the website currently demonstrates the following:
- .NET Framework v4.5.1 (using C#)
- ASP.NET MVC5 (via Razor pages)
- NuGet Package Restore
As the site grows I will add to this list (and hopefully cite the sources of these implementations for easy reference.
Authors and Contributors
Currently it's just me (@bchristie) but I'd love to see other contributors implementing other components and, of course, fixing my mistakes.
Need to contact me? I can be easily reached via any of the following (listed alphabetically):
- Email ( contact [at] bradachristie [dot] info )
- LinkedIn Profile
Not to mention I have a few other places you could look:
Show Support
If you feel like this site has helped you in any way, feel free to show your support. Not that I need a new car, but a cup of coffee here and there is always appreciated.